
What's your word? Today, it's #Focus for a number of reasons. Over the last few weeks I've felt extremely fatigued. According to #LouiseHay fatigue is a sign of "Resistance, boredom. Lack of love for what one does." This is true. I was unhappy with my professional career and have been actively working to change my situation. I started this year with a fire lit underneath me, just going, taking action, and making moves. Now, that summer is ending, and the colder months are approaching, my energy is changing as well. I'm in-tuned with my body and I know when I'm feeling certain things internally they are directly related to what's happening on the outside. It's time to take stock in everything that has happened, and evaluate what works and what doesn't. Next, #focus on my next steps and put the #focus on positive thinking. What do I need to do? How can I live a life of passion and not boredom? Being clear on what's needed will allow me to combat the feeling of fatigue. It starts with gratitude. | #AIAffirmations: I am energized. I enjoy the fruits of life. All my needs are met.



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