My word of the day is #responsibility. I was asked as part of an interview to give a presentation on "Responsible Fatherhood," and express to men the need for being active participants in the lives of their children. During my research this presentation became extremely emotional. I know what it feels like to live in a two-parent home, single-parent home, and now raising a child as a single mother. Every family dynamic involves a different level of perspective and energy. With a few days before #SweetBabyAyo's 2nd birthday, I reflect on all that has changed and can only have the utmost gratitude. Nothing I've done would have been possible without the direct support of my family and friends, especially my mother @lesliegibbs1. When you become a parent you take full #responsibilityfor a human life. When there is only one active parent it requires the custodial parent to lean-in more, to be the sole breadwinner, caregiver, cook, and entertainer. So easily single parents get on a hamster wheel they can't get off because they are trying to meet the obligations of their #responsibility. If there are two #responsible parents everyone wins. Let's win together. Let go of anger, resentment, and excuses, in exchange for forgiveness and communication. This will allow families, especially #blacklives to prosper, end poverty and emotional catalyst caused by fatherless homes. All that matters is love.